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Libin Joseph

Sydney, Australia

Software Consultant, Open-Source Enthusiast and Trainer

A world after Pandemic - The new normal

Year 2020 was one of the most anticipated year for a very long time, probably the most after the millennium year of 2000. But it’s probably not the best for most of us. The world has literally gone down to a lockdown stage, and millions of people around the world are fighting a flu. In the short span of couple of months, it’s said that about 400-500 million people around the globe has gone into poverty, and we need to realise that the economic crisis is just getting started.

So is it going to be all downhill from now? No!, I definitely don’t think so. But I am pretty sure things would be a little different from what we are used to. And the ones who cope to these changes quicker would be the ones who would survive and lead the “new normal life”. Be it an individual, a company, a community or even a country.

So what might be these new changes, and are we ready for it?

Work from home

This should be one of the easiest changes that we could all adopt. Most of us have got a fair understanding of how it works and have experienced it either during this period or in the past. So does that mean there are no more offices? Absolutely not! We most likely have small and more functional office spaces that would act like a hub, where team members could come in as needed. I would recommend you to watch this video where my good friend Nish Anil talks about working from home. He shares a few good tips in the video.

New norms for monetization

Work from home definitely brings a lot of benefits to everyone involved, but at the same time it also add new challenges. And one that I foresee is, business owners would find it challenging to evaluate the performance of their employee and making people accountable for their work. We all need to accept that not everyone is self-motivated. This would lead smart entrepreneurs to look into newer ways to monetize their staff. It might be a combination of existing salary system or other incentives to motivate people to work genuinely and on time.

Flat hierarchy

With the above changes in place, most organizations would see it beneficial to flatten the organization hierarchy. This means our traditional management system might go away and probably new ones would arise. It is also likely that we would soon see new startups that will help us better monitor and manage work from home. Spark New Zealand is a great case study for agile or flat organization, and they have been doing it pretty well.

Health policies everywhere

Health and safety guidelines are an important aspect of every organization. But in reality not many of us give much attention to it. With the increasing number of health issues that we see, it’s likely that companies around the world would take this matter much serious and incorporate the health best practices in every aspects of the organization. It would definitely be more than a yearly checklist.

Will be really great to know what you think will be our future. Share your comments and thoughts. Stay safe everyone!